High and Mighty: The Most Enjoyable Things to do While Elevated - Including the Surprising Benefits of Getting Stoned and Sweating

January 21, 2023

Asif Khokhar


Ah, the age-old question: what to do while high? Well, my friends, the possibilities are endless. But, to save you the trouble of trying to come up with ideas on your own (because let's be real, coming up with things to do while high can be a bit of a challenge), I've compiled a list of the most enjoyable things to do while high. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to have your mind blown.

First on the list: memes. That's right, folks, memes are the ultimate high-time activity. Whether you're scrolling through the never-ending abyss of memes on Instagram or creating your own masterpiece, memes are the perfect way to pass the time and have a good laugh. And let's be real, what's better than laughing while high? Not much.

Second on the list: video games. Now, before you roll your eyes and say "duh," hear me out. Playing video games while high can be a whole new experience. The colors are brighter, the action is more intense, and the overall experience is just that much more enjoyable. So, whether you're into first-person shooters or farming simulators, playing video games while high is a must-try.

Third on the list: watching movies or TV shows. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But I watch movies and TV shows all the time!" And you're right, you do. But, watching them while high is a whole different ballgame. The plot twists are more mind-blowing, the humor is funnier, and the overall experience is just that much more enjoyable.

Fourth on the list: listening to music. Whether you're into rap, rock, or classical, listening to music while high is a whole new experience. The lyrics are more meaningful, the beats are more intense, and the overall experience is just that much more enjoyable. So, whether you're in the mood for some classic rock or the latest hip-hop hit, listening to music while high is a must-try.

Sixth on the list: working out. Now, before you say "I'm too lazy to workout while high", hear me out. Working out while high can be a great way to enhance your workout experience. The endorphins released from the exercise can amplify the effects of the cannabis, making you feel even better. Additionally, the heightened senses can make the workout more enjoyable, and the music or podcasts you listen to while working out might sound even better. It's also a great way to distract yourself from any pain you may be feeling during the workout. Of course, it is important to keep in mind that cannabis can affect coordination and balance, so if you're trying out a new workout routine, it's best to start with something familiar and easy to do. So, whether you're hitting the gym or going for a run, working out while high is a great way to enhance your workout experience.

Fifth on the list: cooking or baking. Now, before you say "I can't cook or bake", hear me out. Cooking or baking while high can be a lot of fun, and it's a great way to pass the time. Plus, the end result is delicious. So, whether you're making a fancy meal or baking a batch of cookies, cooking or baking while high is a must-try.

So there you have it, folks, the most enjoyable things to do while high. From memes to video games, from movies to music, from cooking to working out, there's something for everyone. So, next time you're feeling a bit... elevated, give one of these activities a try. Your mind (and taste buds) will thank you.